Upholstery and Laminate Partners
Explore our graded-in surface material programs with industry-leading partners.
Upholstery Partners
We’ve teamed up with the best fabric mills and suppliers in the industry to offer you easy access to high-performance textiles at an affordable price point.
Here are links to our graded-in partners, but we work with all major mills and distributors.
Please contact our fabrics suppliers for samples.
Please note, Merano and Leaf fabrics can be found in the TON Standard Fabrics Brochure.
Laminate Partners
You can specify laminate as a standard material choice on most table tops and even a few of our chairs. The durability, price point, and consistency make this a great option for high-use, high-design spaces.
Standard, graded-in laminates are defined as any Wilsonart product ending in -38 or -60 finish or any Formica laminate ending in -58 or -43 finish.
Here are links to our laminate suppliers.